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Posted by on May 30, 2015 in Games for Large Groups | 0 comments

Push-up Wave

Push-up Wave

Part of our Circle Survivor series of large group boot camp games…

Players: 4+

Equipment: None (Boot Camp Equipment Guide)

Game: Place all players in a circle such that they are still within arm’s reach of each other.  On “go”, players will assume high plank (push-up) position.

Push-Up Wave

The coach begins the push-up wave by tapping a player who must then complete a push-up, tap the player to their right, and then go back to high plank position.  The coach can create a new “wave” by tapping another player.  When a player can no longer maintain position or complete the push-up, they are out, and they must turn over and begin doing ab bicycle crunches, but they must continue to tap the person to their right when they are tapped so the push-up wave continues.  The goal for all players is to survive as long as possible by staying in high plank position and completing push-ups.  You can play until only a certain number of people remain or play for a certain time and whoever is left wins.  This is part of of Circle Survivor game series.

Push-Up Wave


  • Extraction: When a player is out they must leave the circle which creates an empty space.  Remaining tapped players must maintain high plank position and “walk” on their hands and feet around to the next person to tap them and stay there.  It helps to use cones to mark the circle because the circle integrity will start to deteriorate as more people are extracted.
  • Tapped Out: Players must complete shoulder taps as they maintain high plank position, alternating sides.

Here’s a video of a large team playing the Tapped Out version: is a totally free, ad-free web site run by me, a regular ‘ol boot camp instructor.  If you appreciate the content here and want to see more, please consider purchasing Cards Against Obesity, the fun fitness card game I created and use with my own clients, or my new eBook with over 40 premium fitness games.  Thanks for your support!