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Posted by on Dec 10, 2014 in Articles | 0 comments

How to Use Games in Your Boot Camp

How to Use Games in Your Boot Camp

So you’re convinced that games should be a part of your boot camp.  Here’s some of the best strategies for appropriately using games as part of your boot camp…

  • Use a quick game for your class warm-up.  Choose a game that doesn’t take much setup time and can be completed quickly, in under 10 minutes.  The game should ideally get people moving around but not going all out yet (no sprinting!), interacting with others, and generally not using much equipment yet; it needs to be quick and easy.  Here’s our top 4 warm-up games.
  • Finish class with a game.  Leave 5-10 minutes at the end of class for a fun game that will have people leaving your class interacting and laughing.  Tag games like Virus Tag work great for this.
  • Pick one day a week as Games Day.  With my boot camp, every Friday is Fun ‘n Games Friday.  We do a short warm up game, then I build the bulk of the class around a large team game designed to last the majority of class.  Games like Burpee Yahtzee, Hoarder, and Deck of Destiny work well for this.
  • Have a recurring weekly or monthly game.  For example, at my boot camp we play Ultimate Football at the end of our Saturday classes on the beach.  Having this game as a recurring feature makes it a part of the class that all the members regularly talk about, look forward to, and try to improve at over time.  This definitely creates some friendly rivalry and bragging rights among members.  I assign random teams every weeks based on who makes it to class, but you could create regular teams that will compete together week after week.

These are just a couple ideas that I’ve found to add value and distinction to my classes.  Try some out.  Have ideas?  Leave your comments and let us know how you get your game on.